You're pregnant!

Yay!! And everyone, I mean EVERYONE has an opinion on the must have list you should register for. Well here it is. This is THE LIST that I send to all of my girlfriends to make sure that they haven't missed out on a thing. And not only that, I'll tell you which version to get because after 2 kids I KNOW what works and what you actually need.
Bassinet - After 2 kids, and 2 c-sections I swear by a side sleeper. It's as close to co-sleeping as you can get and it's safe for baby. You're able to reach your arm over and calm baby easily. And after birth you need that baby as close as possible without having to strain to reach them when they need to be fed or changed.
Swaddles - The velcro ones saved us. You’ll be too overtired to do the blanket ones right. I legit buzzed the nurse a few times in the hospital to help us swaddle our first because you're overwhelmed and exhausted and it feels SO hard to wrap them.
Sound machine - The shushing sound helps baby feel like they’re in the womb and the night light is great for nighttime feedings. We still use this one for our toddler, and even have a second one we use for when my husband works from home.
Sleepers - Dresses are the best, then zippers. No snaps EVER! You do NOT want to try and do up snaps in the middle of the night.
Diapers - We swear by Huggies. They used them at our hospital and my feeling is that if it's not irritating their skin, that's a good thing, so stick with it! You can find them at Costco or take advantage of the monthly sales at Target - buy $100 worth of diapers and wipes and get a $20 gift card.
Wipes - I swear by Costco (Kirkland) brand! Not too soapy or dry like others and honestly the most affordable.
Diaper Paste - Their poops can be super acidic in the beginning and irritate that fresh skin. We got in the habit of putting on paste after every change. Triple Paste has saved many a tush in our household - the rash clears up within the day!
Diaper Paste Spatula - The cream NEVER gets off your fingers! You can wipe this spatula off super easy with a baby wipe.
Diaper Genie - A MUST have item! You will be tempted to just go with the Ubbi brand. We did the first time around. It's not worth the minimal savings. Go with the tried and true original and get the bags that go with it. It will truly save your home from smelling like a port-a-potty!
Nara Baby App - I'm sure you're using a pregnancy tracker app that has a sister baby app. They're all awful. I've tried them alllllll. This app came out while my first was like 6 months old and man oh man do I wish that I had it from day one! It is so user friendly, has a beautiful interface and is simple to add other caretakers so that they can input diaper changes and feeds. The graphs are beyond helpful when sleep training or deciding whether to drop a nap. And now with 2 kids I am obsessed with looking back and comparing their stats - it's so interesting!
Baby Tub - I love how this one grows with baby. It fits perfectly with newborn in the kitchen sink and grows with baby all the way through being a toddler.
Baby Wash - Nothing beats Burt's Bees. The smell, the lather, and you can find it at Target and even the grocery store.
Baby Towels - Not only are the hooded towels adorable, they really actually are the most practical. You're going to want that cute little hood to keep baby warm while you dry them off.
Washcloths - Yes, you will want baby specific ones. Not only to clean all of their cute fat rolls, but also to lay over them and keep them warm during tubby time.
Baby Lotion - My boys both have extremely sensitive skin and have always responded well to Aveeno. It is light, keeps them moisturized and the scent is never too strong.
Nail Clippers - My first born spent months sporting mittens because I was TERRIFIED to trim his nails! They're so tiny and I was convinced that I would snag his skin. This trimmer is an absolute game changer! So simple and fool proof.
Snot Sucker - Yes, it's gross to think about, but you will eventually suck your child's boogers out when they're sick. I like this one because it comes with the saline spray that softens everything up and makes it WAY easier to do. Trust me, you'll want this on stand-by for when you need it.
Boppy - Whether you end up breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or a combo of both. Get the boppy. You have no idea how fatigued your arms will be at first when you aren't used to holding a baby 24/7. Also, it makes it easy for Dad and any visitors to prop up baby and hold them as well as feed them while supporting them properly. Not only that, but if you end up with a c-section it is the perfect shape to hold around yourself and put pressure on your incision whenever you cough or sneeze.
Formula - Hands down, go with Bobbie! It's organic, it's based on the more stringent European standard, and it's subscription based meaning you will never find yourself accidentally running out!
Burp Cloths - There are tons of options, and fabrics and prints. The best by far are the simple muslin ones. They are the most absorbent and honestly white is going to be the easiest to wash up.
Bulb Syringe - You'll get one in the hospital, but I recommend having a backup not only to
have around the house, but also to replace them often as the bulb itself can get moldy quickly.
Bottles - Bottles can be a journey. Baby may take to the first kind you try....or the 12th. That being said, these are a safe bet and great starting point.
Bottle Brush - A must have. Personally I don't see the need for a sterilizer and instead use my dishwasher to sterilize after cleaning.
High Chair - There is a reason that everyone swears by this high chair. You realize it the moment you get a different one and have to clean it the first time! The price point is great and it's so slick to clean.
Bibs - I'm not a fan of the silicone bibs. Instead I think these are a great merging of the traditional style with the added bonus of rinsing off and catching crumbs.
Nursing Pads - A necessary tool to combat the leaking that will inevitably happen. I love these! Reusable is the way to go and this company makes THE BEST! This pack is enough for 3 days of wear before you even have to think about washing them.
Nursing Bras - Oh how I wish that I knew about this company with my first baby! I absolutely LOATHE the clips on traditional nursing bras. They always dig in to my skin, and the pads float around and roll up and my already uncomfortable breasts are even more uncomfortable. Enter BaoBei with the absolute best nursing bras! Hands down. No one else even comes close!
Breast Pump - I will always recommend Medela. There's usually a Medela option covered on insurance and you can find most parts and accessories at your local Target.
Haakaa - Great for catching the letdown while you're nursing or pumping on the other side. Also great to hand pump when you have a clogged duct!
Storage Bags - These are just such a great deal! That way you don't feel bad bagging a small amount if you need to.
Nipple Cream - Hopefully you don't need it, but odds are you will. At least in the very beginning! Good to have on hand just in case!
Travel System - I love this system so much that I went with it for both kids! The car seat has a fantastic safety rating. The seat wasn't too heavy for me to lift post c-section and the stroller is super simple to flip open. I also love that it works currently for both kids - infant and toddler to ride in together.
Car Seat Protector - An absolute MUST to protect your car from getting those horrible lines and marks from the wight of the car seat. Bonus - they are so helpful in catching crumbs and make cleaning out the car super slick!
Car Seat Monitor - With my first we used the mirror, but this camera is a game changer! You're able to keep an eye on baby by just glancing down to the monitor, your view is never obstructed by the time of day and it has made me feel so much calmer driving with baby knowing that I can see exactly whats going on. Bonus points - it is super simple to add a second camera for kiddo #2.
Car Window Shade - Another necessity, especially if you want to be sure that sun glare doesn't interrupt those car naps! This one is beyond simple to install.
Travel Stroller - Once baby can sit up and doesn't need to be in the bassinet or car seat, this stroller is incredibly light weight and perfect for errands or travel.
Crib - There are tons of options out there. We went with Pottery Barn for our first. Then due to a burst pipe and needing to be out of our home for a few months, we had to get a replacement for him. This was during his climbing out of the crib phase. This Target one is what we got at the time and having a solid back and flipping the crib towards the wall was a life saver! Also I think it's really cute.
Crib Mattress - You can go $$$ or super cheap on this. I like that this one is safety rated and comes with a waterproof cover that you can also remove and wash. So I look at it as a 2-for-1 since you don't have to also buy a mattress cover.
Crib Sheets - Copper Pearl is one of my favorite baby brands and their sheets are a big reason why. You can't beat the prints and they are buttery soft!
Dresser/Changing Table - I love the combo. Then all of babies changing needs as well as onesies, socks, etc are right with you while changing them.
Changing Pad - Make sure it has a seatbelt so that you can buckle baby in if you need to grab more wipes mid-change.
Pack-And-Play - This one is a staple for a reason. You really will end up packing it up and using it for naps when you're away from home. Also a great playpen for that in between stage when you need them contained and safe but they aren't super mobile yet (or are!).
Rocker - This one comes completely put together, looks great in a nursery or in your living room, glides like a dream and has the added bonus of storage! I can't say enough good things about this one, and trust me, you will spend many hours in a rocker!
Monitor - I feel like I have owned at least ten monitors....I am picky on this one! I always seem to come back to VTech. The image is unbeatable, it's super user friendly and has the option of synching to your phone.
Blackout Curtains - An absolute necessity for successful sleep training. Also I think that they really dress up the nursery and add another layer to your theme.
Diaper Bag - The JuJuBe backpack has been the perfect bag. It wipes out, yet doesn't look or feel like it's made of gross fabric. The side pockets are perfect for a bottle, water bottle or my phone. The front pocket actually fits my wallet. The top zipper is great for a teether or pacifier. And the changing pad slips out and I use it way more often than I could have imagined! Also it's cute!
Swing - Yes, there are a RANGE of styles and prices, but this one has been an amazing stand by for us. It's a must when nothing else seems to settle baby. My toddler loves starting it up and turning the music on for his brother.
Baby Chair - I didn't have this for my first and am obsessed with it for my second! They love being propped up and you can set them on the kitchen island or wherever you are so you can get things done and they can see you.
Wrap - This has been the easiest for me to use alone. I never feel like I can get the long wraps on properly or tied tightly enough without someone else helping out. This is super simple to slip on and get baby into quickly.
Activity Gym - You will get hours of use each day out of this. It's so fun when they start pulling on the dangling toys and using the sides to start rocking themselves to roll over.
Baby Office - Well at least that's what we call it. Another opportunity to give you some free hands while working on their motor skills.
Sophie Teether - The full size Sophie is on most lists, but I've found that it is just a little large for them to handle and keep in their mouth when they are in the height of teething. This smaller version with little handles is a favorite.
Baby Einstein - Every baby I know is obsessed with this. It also has an off switch which makes it a winner!
Rock-a-Stack - This one is a staple for a reason. Easy for baby to handle and it grows with them and their developing motor skills.
Walker - Totally worth having! This can hold their weight and is a pivotal in the transition from crawler to full blown walker.
I am a HUGE advocate for reading to your littles early and often! This is a great book to start with - they LOVE the black and white images. After this I would move on to any Sandra Boynton books.
Detergent - Okay I know that Dreft is supposed to be THE baby detergent. But this one is the same. And cheaper. And then I can just wash all household laundry with it and simplify my life.
Hangers - You're gonna need tiny ones for tiny clothes.
Drool Bibs - We have been through ALL of the styles and brands. These fr Copper Pearl are not only adorable and available in the best prints but they are the MOST absorbent and aren't in babies face with the folded style under their chin.
Pacifiers - Like with bottles, baby may take to a certain brand better than others. You'll be given the Avent brand in the hospital. So I would also pick up these MAM ones as they mimic the shape of the nipple.
Humidifier - One of the few ways you can help baby feel better when they're sick is by using a humidifier. I'll also use a couple drops of essential oils.
Thermometer - A necessity. You'll get one in the hospital but I like to keep one in the diaper bag and one on the other end of the house. Because when you're panicked about baby having a fever you need to be able to get your hands on a thermometer ASAP.
Mittens - Pack these in your hospital bag. Before you're brave enough to give them a nail trim these will protect baby from scratching themselves.
Hats - Also pack one or two in your hospital bag. Babies lose tons of heat through their head. I love these options from Copper Pearl. The top knot style allows you to adjust for babies size and even grows with them. Also the fabric is delicious!
Socks - Grab a bunch as they will fall off their little feet constantly!
Doona Stroller - I realize that this is a really popular option lately. I myself have not gotten one with either boy, but when I see other moms in the wild (at the pediatrician, etc) more often than not they regret the choice and really miss the storage you get with a traditional stroller. Also baby grows out of it super fast.
Changing Table Covers - Yes they're cute and you will think you need to get one to match your crib sheets. Don't do it! You will get poop or pee on it within a few days and really do you need more laundry to do? The pads are all made of a material you can just wipe off. Don't cover them up.
Crib Bumper - Most crib bedding sets come with them. They're no longer recommended and are a sleep hazard.
Clothing - Obviously baby needs clothes. But you will be gifted TONS! Who doesn't like buying baby a cute outfit? I would wait a bit and see what you're given before spending too much on clothes.
Mobile - By the time baby is sleeping on their own in the crib they can usually grab at the mobile which defeats the purpose.